- Class A option includes:
- 1/2 package of the Country Floral Lane 12" x 12" Designer Series paper (cut 6" x 6")
- A full package of the Pastel Adhesive-Backed Sequins
- Supplies to create 5 fantastic projects
- Cost for this class is $25 for in-person class + $9.75 Flat Rate Priority Shipping for the "To Go" option totaling $34.75.
- Class B option includes:
- All of the supplies above +
- Country Bouquet Bundle
- Level 1 Sale-A-Bration item FREE
- Cost for this class is $60 in-person class + $9.75 for the "To Go" Option totaling $69.75.
- The In-Person class will take place on Sunday, January 22nd at 1:00pm. "To-Go" packets will be mailed on Monday, January 23rd. A video tutorial will be included for the "To Go" Option.
- Partipants must fill out the reservation form and pay through PayPal, Venmo, or cash/check (I cannot accept checks if you haven't shopped with me before).
- Registration deadline is Wednesday, January 11th.
- I will invoice you as soon as you register, so you can pay for the class. Payment is required no later than Friday, January 13th.
- There are no refunds. If you can't attend the In-Person session. A kit will be made up for you to complete the projects using the video tutorial. "To Go" customers will receive kits in the mail.
- Supplies for the class will not be ordered until participants have paid.
- If any of the products are out of stock, a reschedule or the class or substitutions may be made so the class can happen as scheduled. I will contact participants for permission. This will be the only time a refund may happen.